"Learn to do good; cease to do evil; and purify the heart"

"Learn to do good; cease to do evil; and purify the heart", said the sage Bodhidharma to the Emperor of China.

The Emperor was dismayed: "Is that your highest teaching? Even a child of three could understand that!", he cried.

"Yes - but even an old man of eighty cannot practice it", came the reply.

There are no higher teachings, only deeper understandings.

(Extract from an FWBO article) (Who are the FWBO - online 30 minute ClearVision video) (FWBO People)


At 8:50 AM, Blogger Paul Crosland said...

The Missed Message Reprised (#PaulCroslandPoetryMan)

What sets me back
Is how I attempt to GET forward
I guess the same is true of Putin
As it was of Stalin,
Napoleon, Old Uncle Tom Cobley
But maybe not all
-Pride comes before a fall.

Striving to be special
Or specialer still
It eats away soul
For “Lebensraum”
Is the denial of space for all
-Pride comes before a fall.

V sadly the Light Brigade in Crimea
Believed they were special
As they answered the Commander's Rallying Call
Celebrating Uniqueness
Is the gentler way;
The way that allows for all
That picks us up and away from the battlefield
After The Fall.

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Paul Crosland said...



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